The Higher the Body Count, The Less of a Person You Are

The Higher the Body Count, The Less of a Person You Are


4 min read

"No girl is a slut" only happens if a female wants to migrate to Mars where she doesn't get to be judged by men and women who can keep it in their pants.

If a female decides to become a fudge girl, she will be judged by men AND women with a low body count AND fudge boi(s) who have a higher or lower body count than she does - it is a losing situation no matter how someone looks at it. You'd think that maybe some of these women would try a bit harder at school subjects or learn another language to garner respect that way... Why is it so important for her to get laid by unrespectable, useless men is a question someone needs to ask her younger self?

Conversely, don't think that the higher the body count for a guy, the better it is on the other side of the spectrum. Some people have NO IDEA how many high-valued, good-at-everything, strait-laced men laugh in locker rooms behind fudge boi's backs, about the hook-up stories they told at parties. It's hilarious how unself-aware loose people are in general. Good men also slut shame loose men on the down low all the time, in secret. And that is the truth.

Many years ago I saw on Reddit that being good at sex and pleasing a partner sexually are nowhere near as difficult as learning a third language or learning a third coding language - some of my Brainiac friends can attest to that (reference to the DC character).

The entire point of life is to conquer the nastiest parts of human nature that lets you be fat, useless, horny, and lazy; as a result, you'll emerge on the other side as a better person. Besides, if having great sex for women is such a rare skill, then why aren't women paying for this type of service?

If a skill is that valuable, wouldn't everyone try to monetize it and make it into a multi-millionaire dollar industry? Oh wait...pornography already does that.

For the fudge boys I've met over the years - what if you run into a situation where you fall madly in love with a high-valued girl but her body count is scarily low... Wouldn't you regret your decision of messing around? You are her inferior in the department of discipline. She will amount to someone greater than you'll become because guess what? Having discipline in one area of life translates to other areas as well, e.g. being committed to a high-paid, high-stress career, etc. When that happens, how do you think you are going to feel if she rejects you based on your high body count? By the way, this happened to at least 3 guy friends of mine when I was 20-27. 🤣. All of which later on in life confided in me that I was right about slut-shaming them. 🤣

We live in a civil society now where men don't actively murder one another for shelter and resources back in the Homo Erectus stage so why do some men and women feel the need to regress to mating habits from thousands of years ago, in the animal stage? You enjoy the civility of modern society now but can't accept the slut-shaming from your better peers... (Maybe it is time to lose the cowardice and let others label you, however, they want to label you; at least that way, you get more respect). 🤣. By the way, I take real pride in being a scrawny prude/c^nt. I do. Please call me that behind my back or in my face.

This article is to shout out to some of my friends who haven't figured out the truth but came to me for the truth: the humanity in good people forgives you.