Nothing in Life Is Free

Nothing in Life Is Free

My dad used to tell me that nothing in life is free, not even compliments from friends when I was a little girl (I didn't even see my father that often back then). 🤣.

Let's dissect this for one second: Parents love us under the condition that we care for them in old age and under the condition that we behave ourselves. This is the most unconditional love we've been getting.

Therefore, the validation, compliments and help we've been getting from others, only speak volumes about how valuable we are as human beings. Ain't that a bummer? 🤣. As soon I got this idea into my thick skull, I've never been upset whenever a true friend of mine, supposedly "betrayed" me.

"Compliments only count when people who are better than you, give you compliments"

This is something my mother told me. 🤣.

Many times when others compliment us, it is because they can tell that we are insecure about something, so friends naturally try to cater to our feelings. But for some reason, when someone is insecure enough and needs validation, that particular person begins to believe the lies friends tell him or her.

I once met this Richard Ivey kid who majored in commerce at a party when I was 21, and all he did was boast about how extremely talented his team is, and how funny he is.

Eh... Extremely talented people don't outright tell others that they are extremely talented. HAHAHA. Nor do they advertise to others, how funny they are. The insecurities in some people are so bright, sane kids need sunglasses. 🤣. That whole ordeal made me laugh so hard on the inside that four years after it happened, I rewatched video clips of FouseyTube outright yelling at Sam Pepper, just for shiz and giggles, to reminisce about that ordeal at that party.

The next time people compliment you, in any circumstance, ask yourself "why." Most of the time, people don't think before they speak; therefore the compliments are very genuine. Many times other than that, the compliments are very intentional.

The next few times your friends don't compliment you, it is because they know you have no insecurities. The next time your male coworkers don't compliment you, it is because they know they cannot get cheap sex from you.
