Money is Something but Ain't Everything
I see some apps at the Apple Store or YouTube videos on how to be an interesting person... And none of which are actually that useful, to be honest with you.
PermalinkHere is the truth of the matter: People who are more interesting than you, simply grew up with more money than you did. And this is fact.
Let's dissect the truth for a second - kids who grew up with more money, are likely to travel abroad sooner than you did, and therefore have more interesting travelling stories to share at parties.
Kids who grew up with more money, know more about human nature in general due to the private school upbringing, of forcing them to read all of these, so called "useless humanities" classic reads.
PermalinkThey ain't useless. I read in a novel at 14, that a lot of boys my age and beyond will flatter me with whatever, to try to get in bed with me. This was me at 14. I figured this out at 14 while some of my female friends had to learn the hard way up until they were 29.
I'm sorry to speak the truth but, from my own limited personal experiences, kids who attended private school at some point in their lives, are more interesting to talk to, because they were taught new ideas that you've never heard before.
Now there is no point in being jealous. Simply read a copious amount of classic books and watch classic movies. That way, you'll have more interesting ideas to share during board meetings and talk about new things with new, interesting friends.
Then again, it's nearly impossible to have the "rich mentality" especially given that you didn't grow up that way.
My friend Audrey had a grown up talk with me at 26, on my birthday. (Thank you so much Audrey for the cake and trip to the Malaysian restaurant in Vancouver). And she told me that a family that knows how to express love properly, is probably the richest family of all.
Most families are not happy and don't have family members who know how to express love, properly unfortunately.
- A lot of people think they know what love is but many fail to learn how to love. Ain't that sad.. My own father grew up dirt poor in the province of Shandong in China and had to walk on foot from one province to another to escape famine that killed over 12 million Chinese people during Chairman Mao's regime, but eventually turned his life around after 35 years of smart and hard work and became a corporative executive in the ICT industry. He grew up with very little love from his parents and as a result, he still hasn't learned how to love my mother and I properly. LMAO.
- My dad told me that over the course of his life, he met many remarkable human beings and they all have one thing in common - their family of origin is full of love, the right type of love. With that type of love, the children turn out to be very cooperative, team-oriented, easy-going and know how to contribute the right way, in front of different types of people.
- I met two remarkable kids at Nspire Innovations Network who fit my father's description of that type of person. They continue to inspire everyday, with the way they live their life and how they choose to express their love.
To my friends who grew up in happier families, you have a superpower nobody has. Money ain't everything. You have the power to inspire and love. Please remember that. 🥺
I aspire to be more like one of you, everyday. 🥺