Friends Who Don't Tell You the Truth, ARE NOT Your Friends.
We've all heard this before: Friends are the people you hang out with.
Mmm... you either are a 12 year old if you truly believe that, or... LMAO.
Friends are the people who help you grow into the person you've always wanted to become. Friends are the people you rely on when times get tough. Friends are your second family, and family does a lot for you.
I don't know how many times I see some of my guy friends LITERALLY SETTLE for friends, who know the truth about their dating dilemmas, the reason why their investments fail, or why they cannot move up on the corporate ladder, but deliberately withhold information, as if they don't want their friends to know the truth.
Now I get that we are kids in our late 20's who are simply trying to figure things out, but come on...
My parents used to tell me that only family tells you the truth - I didn't understand this until after I turned 25. Out there in the real world, everyone sugar coats the reality of your bad situation to make you feel better; it's like social etiquette to make us feel okay about being lazy, fat, and incompetent good-for-nothing beings.
Here are two amusing stories of two of my former guy friends:
Guy friend who used to work at McKinsey as an Engagement Manager, made 275K CAD per year, and still somehow didn't know that men need to have boundaries with their female friends, otherwise the female friends think that he is into them, romantically. # 🤣. All of his guy friends deliberately wanted him to figure that out, on his own, while reaping for the benefits of his mentorship (given that he graduated from Richard Ivey School of Business). You'd think that maybe one of the people he helped, would tell him that women can't separate orgasmic sex from love, while he was on Tinder, but nope! They were all laughing behind his back...
Guy friend #2, who clearly suffered from the Madonna/Whore complex. He only saw women as beings he could stick his penis in, or his mother. 🤣.
(I am not even joking - these two guy friends were very prominent in my life when I was 22-26).
I had dad issues back then from growing up in a male absentee environment (my father had been so in love with his corporate career, that he forgot to child rear me). Guess whom I resorted to for company sometimes. Two big brother like guy friends who were kind of pathetic. He somehow thought that I wanted to bang him, given that we spoke to each other a lot during school time. So he kept waiting on the moment for me to bring up sex; obviously I never did because I only saw him as a platonic friend. This dude actually believes in the "alpha/beta male" mentality; you know the type that listens to Andrew Tate.
When I saw that the friendship no longer served its purpose of me getting emotional support from a guy + it's clear that he is a bad person who used women for sex to overcompensate for the fact that he got rejected by important women in his life, I promptly told him the truth about him having a psychological complex of being unable to form platonic, meaningful friendships with women. His response was, "you make me feel like sh**. I don't know why I always talk to you."
What the...…. why are some people so afraid of the truth? Ain't it easier for you to hurt in the short term, rather than fail in the long run?
I guess my father was right once again: Those who can't handle the truth are inherently cheap people who can't succeed all that much. They ain't capable of great things.
My work here is done, kids. Remember to thank your friends who tell the truth. They love you, more than you know.
I love you too, <3 and that is why I wrote this article to help you. 🤣