The Love Our Parents Bear...

The love our parents bears us, is unconditional. Every other type of love, in the world is conditional, no matter how deeply we once loved our significant other.

My room-mate, Rhea, used to tell me that a human life is long, if we were healthy. It's 65 years. At every stage, at whichever stop your life has taken you, if there is a reliable friend or two, then you are a lucky person. That friend doesn't have to be your friend, forever. He or she just has to emotionally support you, or offer you quality companionship. But those friends cannot compare to the love our parents bear us.

With every diaper change, every breast-feeding session, every burp we take in our mother's arms, the bond is stronger. With every soccer match, every cash-giving moment, every chauffeur ride, our fathers' affections increase each time. I once asked my mother if giving birth to me vaginally, automatically creates some kind of chemical reaction that bonds the child and the mother, her answer is a very swift no. She told me that it's the process of child-rearing that makes the love grow.

"You are an extension of our lives." That is the key sentence. To our parents, we are just another version of them - a parallel universe's Alice, or Rhea, or Kevin, or whatever your name is...

To some degree, the least narcissistic person is a narcissistic - remember when your dad berates you, saying things like, "you don't take after me at all!" He exemplifies on why you don't measure up to who you are suppose to be; he simply can't handle it, seeing another version of himself fail.

Maybe that is why your significant other broke up with you - they can't handle seeing another version of themselves, fail.

In the end, we only like the pieces of ourselves, we see in others. In the end, even the most unconditional love is conditional.

You should care about the love that surrounds you, though, because you want to see yourself succeed. You want to see your investors, your parents, see that in another world, you are just as valuable as you've always thought yourself to be.